Bài giảng Stem Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 4: Learning a foreign language


Paola: Hey, Lan! Have you finish your exam?

Lan: Yes… , I have.

Paola: Were the questions difficult?

Lan: Well, they were quite hard.

Paola: Did you pass?

Lan; I’m not sure. The examiner didn’t tell me.

Paola : What questions did she ask you?

Lan: First she asked me what my name was, and where I came from.

Paola: They were easy for you, weren’t they?

Lan: … Then she asked me why I was learning English… and if I spoke any other languages.

Paola: Go on.

Lan: Then she asked me how I learned English in my country …

And she asked me how I would use English in the future.

Paola: What else did she ask you?

Lan: Oh, Paola! Let me try to remember!...

Ah, she asked me what aspect of  learning English I found most difficult.

Paola: Is that all, Lan?

Lan: Oh. There were a lot of other questions. She also asked me to read a passage

Paola: What did she say in the end?

Lan: I’m trying to remember..Oh , yes! Exactly she said:

 “ If you want to attend the course, you must pass the written examination.

Good luck!”

Paola: It’s terrible. Lan . I don’t think I will be able to pass the exams.

Lan: Don’t worry, Paola. Everything will be all right.


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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Stem Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 4: Learning a foreign language

  1. Network How do you learn English? Speak English with friends . -
  2. Do grammar exercises Read English books Learn by heart Listen to music Read English newspapers Write English Learn English as much as possible on the internet Talk with foreigners Learn to sing English songs Watch English Use dictionary TV programs for reading
  3. Thursday, October 30th, 2014 English 9 Period 20: Unit 4 Lesson 1 Getting started + Listen and read
  4. 1. Do the homework. 2. Do more grammar exercises in grammar books. 3. Read short stories or newspapers in English. 4. Write English as much as possible. 5. Learn by heart all the new words and texts. 6. Speak English with friends. 7. Use a dictionary for reading. 8. Practice listening to English tapes or English programs on the radio. 9. Watch English TV programs. 10. Learn to sing English songs.
  5. Period 20 ,Lesson 1 Getting started + Listen and read
  6. - an aspect: khía cạnh, mặt, phương diện, lĩnh vực - a written examination: kỳ thi viết - an oral examination: kỳ thi vấn đáp - an examiner: giám khảo - a candidate: thí sinh
  7. Match a picture with an English word or phrase 1 3 a.Examiner b.Oral examination 2 4 c.Candidate d.Written examination
  8. LESSON 1: GETTING STARTED- LISTEN AND READ 2. T or F statements: T a. Lan has finished her exam. F b. The questions of the exam aren’t difficult. F c. Lan is sure to pass the exam. T d. First Lan was asked what her name was and where she came from.
  9. Paola: Hey, Lan! Have you finish your exam? Lan: Yes , I have. Paola: Were the questions difficult? Lan: Well, they were quite hard. Paola: Did you pass? Lan; I’m not sure. The examiner didn’t tell me. Paola : What questions did she ask you? Lan: First she asked me what my name was, and where I came from. Paola: They were easy for you, weren’t they? Lan: Then she asked me why I was learning English and if I spoke any other languages. Paola: Go on. Lan: Then she asked me how I learned English in my country And she asked me how I would use English in the future. Paola: What else did she ask you? Lan: Oh, Paola! Let me try to remember! Ah, she asked me what aspect of learning English I found most difficult. Paola: Is that all, Lan? Lan: Oh. There were a lot of other questions. She also asked me to read a passage Paola: What did she say in the end? Lan: I’m trying to remember Oh , yes! Exactly she said: “ If you want to attend the course, you must pass the written examination. Good luck!” Paola: It’s terrible. Lan . I don’t think I will be able to pass the exams. Lan: Don’t worry, Paola. Everything will be all right.
  10. LESSON 1: GETTING STARTED- LISTEN AND READ 2. T or F statements: T a. Lan has finished her exam. F b. The questions of the exam aren’t difficult. are F c. Lan is sure to pass the exam. isn’t T d. First Lan was asked what her name was and where she came from.
  11. ROYAL ENGLISH COLLEGE Examination in English as a foreign language Stage One: Oral Examination (This list must not be shown to the candidates) 1. What is your name? 2. Where do you come from? 3. Where do you live? 4. Do you live with your parents? 5. When did you begin studying English? 6. Why are you learning English? 7. Do you speak any other languages? 8. How did you learn English in your country? 9. How will you use English in the future? 10. What aspect of learning English do you find most difficult? 11. What are you going to learn? 12. What are you hobbies? 13. Look at this picture. Describe it. 14. Read this passage.
  12. 3. Model sentences 1. Reported with “Yes/ No – question” ex. T asked lan “Do you like English?” =>Lan reported She asked me if/ whether I liked English. 2. Reported with “WH- question” ex1. T asked lan “What is your name?” => Lan reported She asked me what my name was. ex2. “Why do you have to do this work?” =>She asked me why I had to do that work. S1 + asked + (O) + Wh- S2 + V(chia) . what/ when/ where/ how old )
  13. What exactly did the examiner ask Lan? √ 1. What is your name? √ 2. Where do you come from? 3. Where do you live? 4. Do you live with your parents? 5. When did you begin studying English? √ 6. Why are you learning English? √ 7. Do you speak any other languages? √ 8 How did you learn English in your country? √ 9. How will you use English in the future? √ 10. What aspect of learning English do you find most difficult? 11. What are you going to learn? 12. What are your hobbies? 13. Look at this picture. Describe it. √ 14. Read the passage.
  14. Dùng tường thuật lời nói Reported Wh - questions gián tiếp với câu hỏi Wh - questions S1 + asked + (O) + Wh- S2 + V(chia) (what/ when/ where/ how old ) Ex: “What’s your name?” She asked me what my name was
  15. 1 2 3 4 5 6
  16. 1 1.What is your name? She asked me what my name was.
  17. 5 Where do you come from? She asked me where I came from.
  18. 6 Why are you learning English? She asked me why I was learning English.
  19. 4 How did you learn English in your country? She asked me how I learnt English in my country
  20. Change the questions which the examiner asked you. 1. She asked me what my name was. 2. She asked me where I came from. 3. She asked me why I learnt English. 4. She asked me if I spoke any other language. 5. She asked me how I learnt English in my country. 6. She asked me how I would use English in the future. 7. She asked me what aspect of learning English I found most difficult. 8. She asked me to read the passage.
  22. 1. Learn by heart vocabulary + remember 2. Do exercises 2b - P33. 3. Prepare for U4 L2 Speak
  23. The Bye,bye bye. bye See you tomorrow. songBye, bye. See you tomorrow. Bye, bye. See you tomorrow. Bye, bye. Bye, bye.
  24. Exercise 1- She asked me:”What is A- She asked me how I your name?” learned English. 2- “Why are you learning B- The examiner asked me If I English?” She asked me. spoke any other languages 3- She asked me:” How do C- She asked me what I found you learn English?” most difficult in learning English. 4- The examiner asked D- She asked me what my me:”Do you speak any other name was. language?” 5- She asked me:” Are you E- She asked me to write a good at English?” passage. 6- She asked me:” What do F- She asked me why I was you find most difficult in learning English. learning English?” 7- “How will you use English G- She asked me If I was good