Bài giảng Stem Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 9: A first aid course

Listen and read

Nurse: Bach Mai Hospital.

Lan: This is an emergency. Please send an ambulance to Quang Trung school. A student is hurt

Nurse: Calm down. Can you tell me what happened?

Lan: She fell off her bike and hit her head on the road.

Nurse: Is she conscious?

Lan: Yes, but she had a bad cut on her head. It’s bleeding quite badly.

Nurse: Try to stop the bleeding. Use a towel or handkerchief to cover the wound. Then put pressure on it. Hold it tight.

Lan: Will you hurry, please?

Nurse: Of course. What is the address of the school?

Lan: Ngo Si Lien Lane. It’s between Quang Trung Street and Tran Hung Dao Street

Nurse: The ambulance will be there in about 10 minutes. She mustn’t fall asleep.

Lan: All right. I promise I’ll keep her awake

ppt 27 trang minhdo 05/06/2023 1540
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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Stem Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 9: A first aid course

  1. Monday, June 5, 2023
  3. F I R S T A I D
  4. Yeah ! FIRST AID
  5. Monday, June 5, 2023 Period 56: Lesson 1: Getting Started + Listen and Read 5
  6. Matching :What would you use in the situations? A girl alcohol has a burn on bandage her arm A boy has a bad cut on medicated oil his leg A girl ice has a nose cold water pack bleed A boy Cotton wool has a bee sting
  7. Set the scene
  8. I. New words 1. an ambulance: xe cấp cứu 2. an emergency: ca cấp cứu 3. (to) bleed: chảy máu 4. conscious (adj): > <unconscious (adj): tỉnh táo bất tỉnh 5. calm down (adj): Bình tĩnh
  9. Vocab-Check Matching 1. ambulance a. ca cấp cứu 2. emergency b. tỉnh táo 3. bleed c. xe cấp cứu 4. conscious d. bình tĩnh 5.unconscious e. chảy máu 6. calm down f. bất tỉnh 7. wound g. khăn tay 8.handkerchief h. vết thương
  10. 1. Lan is talking to A. a nurse B. a friend C. a teacher Listen and read 2. An accident happened with A. Lan B. her friend C. a student in her school 3. Lan needs A. a doctor B. an ambulance C. some medicine
  11. Quang Trung school Bach Mai hospital 115
  12. Nurse: Bach Mai Hospital. Lan: This is an emergency. Please send an ambulance to Quang Trung school. A student is hurt Nurse: Calm down. Can you tell me what happened? Lan: She fell off her bike and hit her head on the road. Nurse: Is she conscious? Lan: Yes, but she had a bad cut on her head. It’s bleeding quite badly. Nurse: Try to stop the bleeding. Use a towel or handkerchief to cover the wound. Then put pressure on it. Hold it tight. Lan: Will you hurry, please? Nurse: Of course. What is the address of the school? Lan: Ngo Si Lien Lane. It’s between Quang Trung Street and Tran Hung Dao Street Nurse: The ambulance will be there in about 10 minutes. She mustn’t fall asleep. Lan: All right. I promise I’ll keep her awake
  13. Practice the dialogue
  14. IV.Comprehension questions 1. Who is phoning? -> Lan 2. What happened to the student? -> She fell off her bike and hit her head on the road 3. What first-aid instructions does the nurse give? -> Stop bleeding 4. Will the ambulance be there in about 10 minutes? -> Yes, It will
  15. V.Select the topics covered in the 10125786349 dialogue Tính giờ a.a, describingdescribing the the condition condition of the of injuredthe injured person person. bb., askingasking forfor thethe address address -This is an emergency. Please c.c, askingasking aboutfor the the condition condition of the of theinjured injured person person -send-SheTry tofellanstopoffambulancebleedingher bike. UseandatotowelhitQuangorhera -handkerchiefWhat is tothecoveraddressthe wound.ofThentheput dd., askingasking forfor adviceadvice school?headTrungpressureonSchoolontheit. Holdroad.itAtight.studentshe. hadisahurtbad. e.ecut, givinggivingon 1 firststher- aid- aid headinstructions instructions. It’s bleeding quite -badlyNgo.Si Lien Lane. It’s between ff., arrangingarranging-Is forfor she an ambulance conscious? Quang Trung Street and Tran g. saying the injured person’s name Hungg, sayingDao the injuredStreet person’s. name
  16. Please send a/an to Quang Trung school. There is an emergency. 50:5050:50 A. bus B.B. ambulanceambulance C. taxi D. car L F
  17. You will call for an emergency. 50:5050:50 A. 113 B. 114 C.115C.115 D. 116 L F
  18. You use medicated oil for . 50:5050:50 A.A. the the first first aid-aid B. cooking C. drinking D. eating L F
  19. What do you use bandage for? 50:5050:50 A. Covering the wound B. Stopping bleeding C. Making clothes D.D. Both Both A Aand and B B L F
  20. VI. Model sentences Make request: Ex: - Will you hurry, please? -Can 1 -Will you openclean thethe doorhouse, please? -Could Promise: Ex: - I promise I’ll keep her awake. 2 will study harder -I promise I won't . tell her about the news
  21. Use the words given to complete the dialogue -stop -Will -cut -conscious -awake -promise -bleeding -ambulance -emergency Nurse: Ha Dong Hospital. Nga: This is an (1)emergency Please send an (2)toambulance Cao Vien Secondary school. A student had a bad (3)cut on his head. Nurse: Calm down. Is he (4)?conscious Nga: Yes. But it’s (5)badly.bleeding Nurse: Cover the wound with a towel and hold it tight to (6)stop the bleeding. Nga: Will (7) you hurry, please? Nurse: Of course. Keep him awake (8).The ambulance will be there in 15 minutes. Nga: I promise (9) I‘ll keep him awake.
  22. Production Work in group to give 1st aid in these situations 1. Having a burn on the arm 2. Having an animal bite or insect sting 3. Having a high temperature 4. Having a bad cut on the hand
  23. Keep calm and do first-aid before going to the hospital
  24. Homework: - Learn new words by heart . - Do exercise 1, 2 in workbook. - Prepare for the next lesson (Unit 9 - Lesson 2: Speak + Listen).
  25.  Health is better than wealth