Bài giảng Stem Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 2: Making arrangement

The first letters of the words from these pictures will form a new word. What is it?

To transmit

An early telephone was

used to transmit speech

over a long distance.

Pre- questions:

When was the telephone invented? 

It was invented in 1876?   

Who did Bell work with? 

He worked with Thomas Watson   


ppt 24 trang minhdo 05/06/2023 1480
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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Stem Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 2: Making arrangement

  1. Teacher: Nguyen ThiLen –Le Loi secondary school
  2. I. Warm up:
  3. 1 GAME: PICTURES TALK The first letters of the words from these pictures will form a new word. What is it?
  4. 2 GAME: PICTURES TALK The first letters of the words from these pictures will form a new word. What is it?
  5. 3 GAME: PICTURES TALK The first letters of the words from these pictures will form a new word. What is it?
  6. 4 GAME: PICTURES TALK The first letters of the words from these pictures will form a new word. What is it?
  7. Alexander Graham Bell
  8. To transmit => TruyÒn tÝn hiÖu An early telephone was used to transmit speech over a long distance.
  9. To demonstrate (To show or to exhibit) =>BiÓu diÔn, triÓn l·m
  10. Assistant: Phụ tá Alexander Graham Bell with his assistant, ThomasWatson
  11. A device => ThiÕt bÞ
  12. Conduct: Tiến hành Bell conducted many experiments
  13. II. New vocabulary 1. To emigrate di cư 2. To transmit Truyền phát tín hiệu 3. To conduct Thực hiện, tiến hành 4. To demonstrate Biểu diễn 5. A device Thiết bị 6. A deaf- mute Người, tật câm điếc
  14. * Let’s check 1 To emigrate 3 2 To transmit To demonstrate 4 To conduct 5 6 A device A deaf- mute
  15. III. Read: (P 21) 1. Pre- questions: a. When was the telephone invented? It was invented in 1876? b. Who did Bell work with? He worked with Thomas Watson
  16. 2. True or false? Guess Answer Correction a F He was born in Edinburgh in Scotland b He worked with deaf-mute patients at F Boston university c T d F He introduced telephone in 1876 e He experimented with ways of F transmitting speech over a long distance f T
  17. 3. Matching: 1. In commercial use a. V« sè, v« kÓ 2. (to) come up with b. TriÓn l·m, trng bµy 3. Countless (adj) c. Sö dông trong th¬ng m¹i 4. Exhibition (n) d. N¶y ra ý
  18. 5. Put the events in * the correct order. lexander Graham Bell ( d e a g c f b) 1. was born in Scotland 2. went to live in Canada 3. went to live in the USA. 4. worked with people who could neither speak nor hear. => Chain game 5. worked with Thomas Watson 6. invented the telephone 7. successfully demonstrated his invention.
  19. IIII. Post - reading: * Retell the story.
  20. V. Homework Write a paragraph about Alexander Graham Bell