Bài giảng Stem Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 1: Greetings

I. Vocabulary:

Hello  :


Hi        :


a name:


my       :

Của tôi

I          :

Tôi (em, cháu)

is = ’s

am= ’m

(to) be:

Thì, là, ở


A3-4/p. 11: Practice with a group

S1. Hello ! I am Mai

S2. Hello ! I’m Nam

S1. Hi ! My name is Minh

S2. Hi ! My name’s Ha

ppt 12 trang minhdo 05/06/2023 1140
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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Stem Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 1: Greetings

  1. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use “Hi / Hello, I’m . / My name’s “ to introduce themselves & number 0-5. .
  2. Unit 1: Lesson 1: A1-4/p.10-11 I. Vocabulary: - Hello : Chào - Hi : Chào - a name: Tên - my : Của tôi - I : Tôi (em, cháu) - is = ’s (to) be: Thì, là, ở - am= ’m
  3. Unit 1: Lesson 1: A1-4/p.10-11 II. Dialogue build: Lan Nga Ba Nam a)Lan: Hello! I am Lan. b) Ba : Hello! My name’s Ba Nga: Hello! I ’m Nga Nam: Hi! My name’s Nam
  4. Unit 1: Lesson 1: A1-4/p.10-11 III. Model sentences: - I am Lan → I’m - My name is Ba → My name’s
  5. Unit 1: Lesson 1: A1-4/p.10-11 IV. Practice: A3-4/p. 11: Practice with a group a) b) Mai Nam Minh Ha S1. Hello ! I am Mai S1. Hi ! My name is Minh S2. Hello ! I’m S2. Hi ! My name’s Ha Nam
  6. Unit 1: Lesson 1: A1-4/p.10-11 IV. Practice: Picture drill. Trang Hung
  7. Unit 1: Lesson 1: A1-4/p.10-11 IV. Practice: Picture drill.
  8. Unit 1: Lesson 1: A1-4/p.10-11 V. Numbers: oh: 0 one: 1 two: 2 three: 3 four: 4 five: 5
  9. Unit 1: Lesson 1: A1-4/p.10-11 VI. Practice: Quang Ninh S1. Quang Ninh, please. 033 S2. oh, three, three Hai Phong Ha Noi Son La §a Nang 0313 04 022 0511 Hue Lang Son Nam §inh Bac Giang 054 025 0350 0240
  10. Unit 1: Lesson 1: A1-4/p.10-11 * Summary: I. Vocabulary: Hello, hi, a name, I, my, is, am II. Model sentences: I am Lan = I’m Lan My name is Lan = My name’s Lan III. Numbers: oh, one, two, three, four, five
  11. Unit 1: Lesson 1: A1-4/p.10-11 * Homework: - Learn by heart the vocabulary. - Practice the dialogue with your friends.